Thursday, May 26, 2011

From Grits to Crab Cakes

            As I look around me and see the pile of stuff still to be packed it hits me, I am really leaving Nashville for the big city of Baltimore. I know Nashville is a big city (well at least there is a lot of big hair.), but Baltimore is a bigger city with bigger hair and Yankees. I love Yankees, not just the team, but they can be a little scary. But before I get to that, I guess I should say something about my self. I love love love history! I mean I go complete geek at museums. I think I embarrass my family sometimes when I start to drool in front of something old. I graduated from Converse College, which is not a convent, no matter what the rumors say. It was the furthest place I have lived for an extended period of time. Converse, even though I would never have said this before graduation, my years at Converse were the best four years of my life. I met some incredible people there. They also have the best cookies, creepy library mannequin, and you can be a Pink Panther or a Red Devil. I was a Pink Panther, which is of course the best thing to be. After graduation, I thought I would put off being an adult for a while and go to graduate school. So far, it has been an interesting ride. After two semesters, I never want to see a book again and I have a newfound hatred for parking lots. But back to the reason for this blog…..
            This adventure to Baltimore all started with an email from a beloved Converse professor, Dr. Walker. Dr. Walker sends out an email with potential internships and jobs to former students. I saw the internship at the Jewish Museum of Maryland and thought it sounded interesting. I however did not apply right away. Then the email reappeared on an email sent by the list serve I am on. It was fate. Could I not send in an application?!?! The answer is yes, yes I could ignore this and work with my lovely children this summer. I work at a daycare with some of the coolest, sweetest, funniest, and best kids on the planet. They say the best things and give the best hugs! It was hard to leave them for the summer.  If it had not been for my mom and her persistence, I might never have applied for the internship. So with 45 minutes until the deadline I applied. After lots of consideration, I decided to go and work with JMM. I think that it is going to be a great summer! I will be working with the educational programming department, which is what I want to do after graduation! I love museums and working with kids and this would cover both bases!
            I will also be in the same city as one of my oldest friends! We are going to paint the town red in July! However, even with my friend being there, I am so nervous for this new opportunity. I mean what if they don’t like me or I get lost and end up in New York???? My mind has raced with all the bad things that could happen in the last week.  I was reminded tonight by a good friend that I could do anything I set my mind to. So I am left to ponder the famous words of my Oma, “Suffering builds character!” I hope I don’t suffer, but I think this experience will hopefully build my character (or at least slim me down, its going to be a LOT of walking in the big city!).
            I am writing this blog so that my friends and family can keep up with me as I travel through Baltimore and hopefully many more places. So since I still have a looming pile of things to pack I think I will stop with this last quote
            "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." - Dr. Seuss

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