Saturday, June 11, 2011


June 10, 2011
     It feels weird that today is Friday. Because of our two days off it feels like a Monday, which is weird. Today was the volunteer luncheon. Ryan and I helped Deborah and Ilene set up for the luncheon at the American Visionary Art Museum. The lunch was very good. We had kosher sandwiches, pasta salad, fruit, and cookies. It was nice to meet the volunteers and to have a good lunch. We also got tour of the museum. The whoopie cushion bench was a hit again! Today during the tour, the lady in charge talked a lot about laughing, which is what the main exhibit is about. Did know that the ancient Greeks had a joke book about farts? Or that during the depression whoopie cushions hit their all time sale highs? They even had to open a factory to keep up with all the demand. This all made me laugh. I love laughing and I have a loud laugh. But going on the tour really reminded me that we should take time to laugh every day. I hope that when you read this blog that I can sometimes make you laugh! But it’s going to be my goal to have a funny quote or picture everyday garneted to make you laugh. Laughing makes you live longer, they say, so I hope you will laugh away with me everyday!   
     After lunch we got back to the museum, I went to look for the missing computer speakers for my desktop that I will be using. Well instead of finding speakers, I found hats! I found a really pretty red hat that is velvet and looks like it will be nice and warm for winter and a Greek fishing hat! Best part, which is not that they fit, but that I get to keep them! They are old props and they were going to get rid of them. I love free things. I worked some more on Brews and Schmoozed and then it was time to get snowballs! There is a snowball supply warehouse next door to the museum. JMM was nice enough to buy all the interns snowballs this afternoon! I got raspberry and coconut. They were so good (I mean who doesn’t love ice and sugar syrup?!?). While I was eating my snowball, the group of California students was ready for a tour of the Lloyd Street synagogue. I finished my snowball and went to give the tour. I should mention that my lips and tongue were bright red (ooops). The tour went well (there at least 15 people) I think! I really like giving tours, its fun to tell people about the history of the synagogue. They were also very nice people who asked good questions. Once the tour was done, I worked a little bit more on Brews and Schmooze and then it was time to go home.
Snowball time with Elena

     Tomorrow Elena, my mentor, is having a shrimp boil at her apartment. I am bringing my Oma’s potato salad. It’s the best stuff in the world. Here is how you make it
          Potatoes, apples, bread and butter pickles, Duke’s mayo, and a little honey mustard or regular mustard. I guess on the ratio of apples to pickles to potatoes so make it how you want to!
     After making the potato salad, I made my self dinner. Tonight I made apricot glazed pork chops. They turned out pretty good. I threw half a potato on the skillet and fired it up to go with it. As soon as I was done with dinner, it started to storm again. It was nice to sit and watch the storm from my window. Being a Friday night I could have gone out and done something exciting, but it was boiling and I was tired (I sound about 100 years old right now) so I stayed in and watched Big Bang theory. I brought season three with me so I picked some of my favorite episodes and watched them! Tomorrow is going to be a busy day! I am going to the Charles Village Farmers Market which is somewhere near me. I think its like four or five blocks away. Then Mary, Carrie, and I are going to go to the Greek Fest. YAY for Greek food! And then its off to Elena’s for a good ole’ southern shrimp boil. It's going to be an action packed day!  

Pork chops

Laugh section
     I wanted to be the first woman to burn her bra, but it would have taken the fire department four days to put it out. -Dolly Parton

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